Document and reflect
The main reason to start this blog is to document some thoughts and learnings about starting many software companies, so hopefully I don’t repeat the same mistakes. I plan to start some micro-companies and many of them will certainly fail, but I have to do my best to keep the fails low.
Additonally, this blog might help others to reach similar goals faster and waste less (waste less what? Well, everything…).
Improve me writing
That, it’s self explanatory.
Check out Astro
Third reason, by far less important, is to play around with Astro. I’ve learnt about this framework very recently and looks quite promising. Actually, I plan to post about my impressions eventually.
Build an audience
I hesitated to include this as reason for the blog, because I do not plan to actively push it, but it is a possible nice side effect: it might help me build a little audience of people facing similar problems to mine, and to me that sounds like a market. After all, seems like solving problems for yourself is a good way to build products people want.